Phone Number



Monday - Sunday:
11:00 AM - 7:00 PM


9537 Bridgeville Center Rd
Bridgeville, DE 19933

Adding and editing product inventory process.

Step 1: Click The Add New Link Under Puppies Listing

Note: clicking the arrow icon will open the new puppies post.

Step 1: Click Add New

Step 1: Add Title Field

Note: This is important. New post wont be created without filling this field.

Note: Scroll down to proceed on “step 3: adding product image”.

Note: Click the “Set Featured image” and upload your photo prepared photo for this product.

Note: Once all the fields is added and confirm correct click on publish button to complete adding the new product.

Step 1: Fill out title field

Step 2: Fill out all product information fields

Step 3: Add product image.

Final Step: Once all the fields is added and confirm correct click on publish page to complete adding the new product.

Step 1: Click on all pupplies link

Step 2: Hover over the product you need to edit

Note: Hover-Over The Product and Click Edit.

Hover-Over The Product and Click Edit.

Hover-Over The Product and Click Edit.

Step 1: Set Availability As Sold


Select the sold value on our dropdown option.

Scroll up again to proceed on next step.

Step 1: Update Availability Value to Sold

Step 1-A: Update Product Status to Draft. 

Step 1-B: Click the Update Button to publish the changes made.